The subjects they speak best about are those about which they are well-informed... those about which they are absolutely satisfied, about which they have no doubts whatsoever. They thus speak with certainty, & certainty is very convincing.
Later, review & organize your thoughts on the subject. Settle on your main points, & the supporting details & documentation you require. Confirm any points about which you may have even the slightest doubt.
Those are usually subjects which reflect our personal experiences or deep thought, or both. Therefore, before doing any research, spend some time thinking about your subject. Mull it over. Put your thoughts in writing as they occur to you, even in the event that they come to you at odd times, & keep all of this written material in a folder.
Do research, if necessary, to learn much over you absolutely require to know to speak intelligently on the subject. Immerse yourself in your subject until you have over mastered it.
This may appear like overkill, but what it actually does is give you a reserve fund of knowledge which, even if never used, gives your confidence an wonderful boost. Your audience will sense that confidence as you speak.
Prepare your outline. Afterwards, review the flow of ideas. Does it make sense? Is it convincing? Does it have emotional appeal? The thought you put in to your presentation at this stage will choose whether it flows smoothly, from point to the next, or not. A presentation which flows is simple to listen to, which helps to hold the attention of your audience.
Anticipate objections your audience may raise, even if only in their minds, and provide the answers to those objections where they are likely to arise. You may even need to raise these objections yourself, and then answer them.
Next, prepare your introduction and your conclusion. These are best prepared after the body of your material has been prepared. Use your introduction to generate interest in your subject matter and lead smoothly in to the body of your presentation. The conclusion will round out the presentation, and drive home the central premise, or will clearly state any action which ought to be taken.
Now you ought to thoroughly practice your presentation, reviewing not the specific words you'll use, but the ideas you intend to cover. Space your practice sessions out over time, to permit the knowledge to sink in to your mind. Continue to reflect on it, and make any adjustments you feel are needed for clarity or to add emotional appeal.
Finally, time your presentation. If it takes long, you have included much knowledge. Discard material as necessary, to keep within the time you are apportioned.
The actual secret to giving a presentation which seems effortless, which seems spontaneous and simple for you to deliver, is to put plenty of smart hard work in to your preparation.
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